The Pros and Cons Of Sealing Your Natural Stone Pavers

Natural stone pavers are a stunning addition to any outdoor setting. Whether you wish to use them on your patio or as a surround for the new pool, one question your paving contractor will ask during the installation process is whether you wish to have a sealant applied to the pavers. Before you answer this question, consider the pros and cons of sealing natural stone pavers.

Pros Of Sealing Natural Stone Pavers

When it comes to the lifespan of your new pavers, adding a sealant to them extends this lifespan in several ways. Just like painting the exterior of your house, a paver sealant protects the stone from erosion, staining and even absorbing odours.

The reason why a sealant is required is that natural stone pavers are naturally absorbent, just like a large sponge. When liquid sits on the pavers, it is absorbed into the stone over time. Water, for example, contains different minerals and chemicals, and these elements can damage the paver if they constantly soak into the item. Therefore, a sealant is an effective way to help reduce the impact of water soakage.

Additionally, because the stone pavers are absorbent, they also retain odours. Odours are very difficult to remove once they have absorbed into stone, so it is best to prevent the absorption in the first place.

Cons Of Sealing Natural Stone Pavers

The biggest downside of sealing a natural stone paver is the assumption that, once it is sealed, the paver is fully protected and does not need any maintenance. For example, while the sealant stops immediate absorption of spilled liquid, it does not mean the paver is now completely waterproof. Rather, a sealant creates a barrier which gives you time to remove liquid from the paver before permanent damage is done.

Furthermore, a sealant does not protect against damage done by foot traffic, such as scuff marks or chips caused by sharp items banging against the stone. A sealant protects what is happening below the paver's surface, whereas regular polishing or filling of holes takes care of what is happening on the surface layer.

It makes sense to have your paving contractor seal the natural stone pavers at the time of installation to provide you with some level of damage protection. However, armed with these tips, you know what a sealant does not do so that you can have any future damage quickly repaired to elongate the lifespan of your paving stones.

To learn more about natural stone pavers, contact a paving contractor.
